Why Noah’s Ark Didn’t Sink

I discovered in my storms of life that the Titanic sank even though professionals built it, but Noah’s Ark did not sink even though amateurs built it.

I found the secret was that the amateurs who built Noah’s Ark had relied primarily on divine revelation rather than relying mainly on human knowledge. Therefore, although I had studied at several universities and have several degrees (including a doctorate degree) which reinforced my extensive professional experience, I now choose to apply the Noah’s Ark approach so I would not become a Titanic in the storms of life; which we all face from time to time.

The Noah’s Ark story supports the conclusive evidence that divine revelation is the best teacher.

Ideas constructed by human beings are helpful only where the ideas are based on, or are consistent with, timeless and unfailing biblical principles. Ideas that do not take full account of biblical principles or ungodly ideas that contradict biblical teaching do not stand the test of time. 

Remember this always: Noah’s Ark was built by amateurs and yet it did not sink when the storms came. In contrast, the Titanic that is often described as the most famous ship in history was built by professionals but it sank even though the circumstances in which the Titanic sank were not as severe as those in which Noah’s Ark thrived.

Many people believe we learn best at formal institutions of learning such as universities but many other people believe the popular saying or cliché that ‘experience is the best teacher’.

There are things that experience would not teach you and which you are also not taught at universities or other formal places of learning. Only divine revelation teaches you such unique things.

I am saying this for the glory of God only; not to knock experience or formal learning. We can learn from our own and other people’s experiences as well as from formal institutions of learning. However, we can never ever learn as much or as well from any other source as we do from divine revelation which will forever remain the best teacher.

I would like to tell you a bit about my academic and professional background, and then tell you why I have reached the well-informed conclusion that divine revelation is the best teacher.

I attended several universities and was consistently top of my class from primary school to university level. I specify below, the relevant details for purposes of verification; should anyone wish to confirm the facts.

I had the best examinations results in my class when I completed my primary school education at Dogho Primary School in Warri, a town in Southern Nigeria.

I had my secondary school education at Orerokpe Grammar School, near Warri. When I completed my secondary school education in 1976, I also achieved the best examinations results in my secondary school of very many students.

I completed my Advanced Level (A–Level) studies at the Institute of Continuing Education in Warri in 1978. Out of the over one hundred A–Level students in my class at the time, I also had the best A–Level examinations results.

I completed my first university degree at the University of Lagos in Nigeria in 1981 and was also top of my graduating class of a very large number of students. I won the very prestigious University Chancellor’s prize for the best all-round student in my graduating class.

I then did my one-year Master’s degree programme at the London School of Economics in England in 1983–1984 and achieved what my personal tutor amazingly described to me as “a very good M.Sc”. Immediately afterwards, I did my doctorate degree at the University of Sussex in England. The chief examiner from Oxford University in England who chaired the panel of examiners that examined my doctoral thesis, reportedly, said my thesis had shown that I was of “evident academic competence”.

As well as having studied at three universities I also did my professional management trainers’ training qualification at a fourth university –the University of North London in England.

I have taught at university level, worked in management including at senior management level and have also been running my own company for many years.

As part of my professional work I have written policies and procedures for many organisations on a wide range of employment matters. I have also sat on, including chairing, various panels and have made presentations in an expert witness capacity at hearings and employment tribunal in England.

I have been commended for contributing to best practice in my professional work. My written work has been cited in publications on shared innovation and excellence. I was thrilled to have received a letter informing me that the work I did within the police service had, reportedly, been “particularly praised as an example of good practice” by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC) in England.

I was appointed a Fellow of my professional body in the United Kingdom at the age of thirty-three, and had been one of the few people that achieved the acclaimed status of Fellow at such a relatively young age. The former Institute of Training and Development and the former Institute of Personnel Management merged to form the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Those of us who were Fellows of the previous professional organisations are now called Chartered Fellow of the combined professional body. The portfolio of evidence that you need to be appointed a Fellow requires the fulfilment of very tough and outstandingly high-quality criteria including proven experience as a practitioner at a senior management level.

A way of simply describing the seniority or status of being a Chartered Fellow of my professional body is like describing a soldier who has attained the position of General in a large army.

I have presented national and international events and have been a special guest on the broadcast media. I have trained people at all levels from junior staff to the grade of chief executive officer at large voluntary and public sector organisations as well as multi-national corporations in the private sector of the economy. I have also designed and provided management training for people at all levels within the uniformed services including the ranks of Prison Governor, police Chief Constable and General in the British army.

Although I can, most reasonably, be described as a General in my academic and professional field, I put God first and do not rely primarily on human knowledge including my own or other people’s academic or professional expertise.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5. New International Version.

By very carefully meditating on biblical teaching and then comparing Noah’s Ark with the Titanic, I grasped the divine revelation that divine revelation is the best teacher.

“I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:12. New Living Translation

The Holy Bible is the book of life and the living word of God that backs up what the Holy Spirit teaches and reveals to us; including how we overcome the storms of life and get out of our respective valleys of life.

You would know a divine revelation when you grasp it. In my deep and dark valley of life, I sought help from various sources but could not break free until I grasped the divine revelation which then finally enabled me to break free.

We must continue to learn from formal institutions of learning as well as from our diverse experiences that enrich our learning. Nonetheless, we must correctly prioritise the divine dimension.

Consider one example: medical doctors treat, but only God heals. Many people remain ill even after receiving treatment. People are healed and they get well only when the treatment they had received is backed up by the more crucial divine intervention.

Life is a journey. You’re better off prioritising the Noah’s Ark approach so you do not become a Titanic in the storms of life.

Jesus is the answer even if you do not know the question. He alone can deal with the mystery behind your misery.

Even where you know the question but do not have an answer to your problem, divine revelation would provide the correct answer for you. Consider the following question that many people regard as a real dilemma and still struggle to answer: which came first; the chicken or the egg?

My book entitled ‘Echoes From The Valley’ contains proven Bible-based evidence that the chicken came first, before the egg.

May the good Lord resolve every dilemma in your life and enable you to overcome your troubles and challenges so that you, too, can break free from your own valley or storms of life. Amen.

God bless.

Dr Innocent Izamoje