Let’s Be The Light of the World.

Testimonies are very therapeutic. They can heal. And they give hope ─to you and to the people you share your testimonies with. Testimonies are like candles. You don’t lose anything when you use your own candle to light another candle.  Rather, you have two lit candles which bring in more light.

Let’s be the light of the world.  Let’s brighten up each other’s valleys of life by sharing our testimonies on this website.

Be the light of the world.  A candle that lights another
candle remains lit and never loses anything as it
helps in bringing in more light.  Happy people who
promote happiness for other people lose nothing as
they make the world a better place to live.
Innocent Izamoje

Let’s light and brighten up as many candles (lives) as we possibly can.

Let’s give full and wholehearted glory to God through shaming the devil by sharing our testimonies on this website.

Sharing your testimonies is one of the best and most effective ways you can preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Your testimony is a very powerful message to other people.  Nobody can argue against or dispute your own personal testimony. Nobody can doubt the power of Jesus when you use your own success story to show His power. Your testimony is a strong and persuasive message that can light and really brighten up other people’s lives.  The testimonies we share on this website can help us make disciples of all nations.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations …
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:18-20.  New International Version.

Together we can shame the devil and give God the full and absolute glory He deserves and desires.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony.
Revelation 12:11.  (King James Version)

Kindly please share your testimonies and biblical ideas for victory and joyful living on this website to the glory of God and to the shame of the devil and his agents of darkness.

BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  Please share your testimony and biblical ideas here.

God bless you.

Dr Innocent Izamoje